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Blue Heron Art Studio is where you can come to create or have your masterpiece created for you.


The studio is the primary workspace for JoAnna the Artist, where she offers commissions of pets, portraits, favorite cars, homes, and vacation scenes. She also teaches art to all ages and abilities.

"Painting is magnetic. I draw inspiration from daily adventures and with my photography. First sketching out ideas on canvas and then using vibrant colors, I pay close attention to detail and build texture with layers of paint with patterns, lines and forms. I try to replicate scenes I have been in. I want to connect people with nature. Thru my art, I want to connect them with other people and address relationships, be it family, pets, nature, or our environment. I paint in hopes to draw attention to, preserve, and even heal those relationships. My artistic goal is to open up that dialogue." - JoAnna

What is great art?

It begins with story telling and composition. Great art evokes feelings or stories and display patterns, colors or relationships with design that capture the eye and bring it around to the whole image without getting lost or bored.

Painting takes many years to master, and many artists discover that achieving “established” status takes a lifetime. Becoming a professional painter does not necessitate being a kid prodigy or "genius" artist.

Fine art, like anything else, is a skill that can be learned and honed over time. 

“It’s not something you can describe with words, but you feel it in your soul and you know what it is when you see it. It’s the mark of the master.” 


© 2024 by JoAnna Elizabeth Lucas. All Art Images are protected by copyright laws. Powered and secured by Wix

Tel: 203-494-3197 |

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